Wednesday, 30 May 2018

How to Upload Your Work to Blogger

It is now time to upload your wonderful work to your ePortfolio! First, you have to figure out: is your work in Google Drive or on paper? That will affect how you get your work into your post!

1) Google Drive

First, you need to locate your work in Google Drive. Make sure it is completed!
Then go to the File menu and located the Publish to the Web option

Next, you copy the embed code and paste it in HTML version of the blog post.

Add width = 600 height = 800

Monday, 28 May 2018

World Trade Summit

Today 4HR is going to be taking on the roles of Finance Minster, Trade Minister, President or Communications Minister. Each role is extremely important to help trade product to other countries. Before we meet, we need to think about the etiquette and norms for talking and collaborating. 

1) Finance ministers decide the prices
2) Be fair - offer reasonable prices
3) No shouting
4) Each card is worth 10 pounds (or 5kg) of each product
5) Don't be silly
6) Don't be off-topic
7) Be polite and kind
8) Trade minister should follow their plan as closely as possible

Punishment for breaking rules: 4000 bucks or 1 day no trading or donate 1 product to another country

Finance MinistersImage result for finance minister meeting

PresidentsImage result for world summit meeting

Trade Ministers & Communications Ministers represent: 

A reminder of the different jobs and their descriptions.

World Trade Fair Job Descriptions

You are a proud leader of your country.  You are responsible for making sure that the other presidents know all about your country.  You are also responsible for collecting information about country profiles from other presidents.

As you communicate with the other presidents consider the following:
  • What are your needs and wants as a country?
  • What are the products/ resources that the other countries need and want?
  • Are there any countries that you might be able to partner with in order to make a better product or sale?
Finance Minister
You are the money man.  You are responsible for setting prices on the products that your country will sell.  You will also help manage the money and the resources after the trade minister has returned from trading.   

When you meet with the other finance ministers, you should pay attention to the following:
  • What countries have a lot of money to spend?
  • What countries have only a little money to spend?
  • How might the amount of each country affect the prices of your product?
Trade Minister
You are the trade master.  You will be trading at the trade fair with the communications manager at your side to help you make decisions and use convincing and fair language to make sales.

When you go to trade, you should think about:
  • What products are the most important to my country being successful? What are least important?
Communications Minister
You are the communications manager.  You will work with the other communications manager to discuss rules and guidelines for speaking with one another when trading.  

When you go to make these rules with others, you should consider:
  • What kind of rules should we have to make sure communication happens smoothly?
  • What will be the consequences of not following the communication guidelines?
What do you think the agreements for communicating should be?

Friday, 11 May 2018

May 14th - 18th Newsletter

Weekly Update: May 14 - May 18, 2018

Language Arts

This week in reading, the children will be spending time identifying important events in the stories they are reading and adding them to a timeline to help track the story. In addition to the story timeline, the children will focus on historically accurate events that the author includes to add to a historical timeline as well.


Now that the students understand the benchmark angels, they will continue working with the protractor. The students will be given various angles and will be using the protractor to measure the angles. Students will learn that the size of the angle does not change even if the length of the lines change. A fun way to practice measuring angles is to play Bunny and Angles.

Science/ Social Studies

We didn’t get as much done this week as we had hoped :) Next week, we will continue student’s reflecting on their google map of natural resources. We will also begin investigating vocabulary like: Needs and Wants, Consumers and Producers etc. This quizlet is a good resource for kids to practice learning the new vocabulary tied to the unit.

  • ES Melawati Spring Concert, Thur May 17, 7:00 PM , Melawati Studio 
  • Head Of School Coffee, Fri May 18, 9:30-11:00, Melawati Community Room 
  • Wet & Wild Day : Friday May 25 - Click here for sign up !

Friday, 4 May 2018

Newsletter May 7th - 11th

Weekly Update: May 7 - May 11, 2018

Language Arts
This week in reading, we will be using clues from the author about the setting, characters and history to help piece our understanding of the stories we are reading. The children will also be doing some writing about reading in the form of reading responses to share their thoughts about their book club books.

This week students will be drawing and identify angles by comparing them to known right angles. They will also begin using protractors to measure the various angles that they create.

Science/ Social Studies
This week students will be reflecting on their google maps and start investigating vocabulary ………. Needs and Wants, Consumers and Producers etc. This quizlet is a good resource for kids to practice learning the new vocabulary tied to the unit.

NO SCHOOL: Wed May 9: General Election, Public Holiday
ASAs end: Friday May 11
MAP Parent Workshop, Fri, May 11, 8:30am – 9:00am, Melawati Community Room
ES Melawati Spring Concert, Thur May 17, 7:00 PM , Melawati Studio

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

May 2-4 Newsletter

Weekly Update: April 30 - May 4, 2018

Language Arts

This week in reading, the students will begin their new Historical fiction book club and focus on the setting. As they focus on the time and place in the story, they will also have an opportunity to inquire into the real historical time period and important events from that era.


This week the students will begin looking at points, lines, line segments, rays, angles, perpendicular lines and parallel lines. They will be identifying and classifying angles along with distinguishing between parallel and perpendicular lines. You might want to brush up on your geometry vocabulary through Quizlet.

Science/ Social Studies

This week is a short week, and students will continue their investigation into natural resources (renewable and non-renewable) and their connection to our physical environment. Some classes have begun looking at where these natural resources are located around the world.


ISKL Holiday - April 30th and May 1st

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